Good Pets, Good Deeds

Pangel™ honors animal heroes

Pet Superhero Story

The saying is true: not all heroes wear capes. At Pangel™, we know that's because some of them wear collars! Every day, pets do amazing things for humans. They bring us comfort, joy, and companionship. They bestow unconditional love, add purpose, and help protect us. Their impact can be life-changing; sometimes, it's life-saving.

Does your favorite hero wear a collar? If your pet has done a great deed, we want to know about it! Let us celebrate your pet’s worthy accomplishment by featuring them during our My Pet’s Good Deed Campaign.

Each month, we'll choose an inspiring pet superhero story to showcase on our social media channels, our email correspondence, and our website. Want to show off your superhero pet pal? Proud pet parents can complete this form to share your story. Along with the accolades we'll share with our audience, winners receive a three-month subscription to the Pangel™ app!

Featured Story

Submit Your Pet Hero Story

Does your pet have a heroic tale to tell? Share their extraordinary bravery and courage with us! Submit your pet story today and let the world celebrate their incredible deeds.